Although they may seem daunting, your first fertility tests are straightforward and routine. They provide us with an accurate baseline to help you achieve your dream of becoming a parent.

First Steps

As with all aspects of medicine, the first goal is the discovery and to answer the question of why are you experiencing infertility? Moving forward, our team will then interpret any test results to determine the cause of any problems you may be experiencing.

Our doctors specialize in their ability to diagnose and treat rare conditions, so whether your diagnosis is straightforward or more complicated, we are always ready to support you through your next steps.

With more than 50,000 babies born since 2005, our team will provide the guidance, support, and experience to help you achieve a healthy pregnancy in the shortest time possible.

Our aim is to offer you the finest, most realistic treatment options and empower you with the hope, knowledge, and confidence that you are not alone and can achieve your dream of becoming a parent!

Get Started

Have questions about your fertility? We can help!

Don’t hesitate to contact us at any time by phone at 905-896-7100 or via email by clicking here

Diagnostic testing provides important insights that help us to evaluate your treatment options and fertility success.

A combination of these tests, as well as other information, may be used to develop a customized treatment plan.

Day 3 Testing

Day 3 testing (conducted on the second, third or fourth day of your menstrual cycle)provides us with important information regarding the likelihood that you will respond to treatment with fertility medications, should they be necessary. They measure the hormone levels in your blood to assess reproductive health and ovarian reserve.

Female fertility health is intimately tied with hormonal balance. Hormones initiate egg development, signal proper ovulation time, and determine how the embryo implants in the uterus. Hormone levels, balance, and timing must be precise. For this reason, we rely primarily on different types of hormonal tests to assess female fertility. A number of different hormones factor into fertility health, but they can be checked simultaneously with one standard blood draw. This all-in-one test measures:

  • Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which stimulates the ovaries to mature an egg
  • AMH (anti-Mullerian hormone), which indicates the size of a woman’s ovarian reserve
  • Estradiol, which prepares the uterine lining for implantation
  • Luteinizing hormone (LH), which stimulates the release of eggs from the ovaries

Ultrasounds Testing
Traditional ultrasound tests allow your doctor to assess the health of your ovaries, uterus, and follicles. Transvaginal ultrasound can look for tiny follicles (called antral follicles) in the ovaries. The total antral follicle count should be around 10 to confirm a normal ovarian egg supply. The ultrasound can also supply information about the lining of the uterus (the endometrium), which is typically 8mm or more around ovulation and has a certain ultrasound pattern.

Hystrosalpingogram (Hsg) Testing
To examine the walls of your uterus and Fallopian tubes, we use an x-ray test called an HSG. This test allows your doctor to simultaneously see whether your fallopian tubes are open, check for the presence of fibroids, and assess the shape of your uterus. The technique involves placing a small catheter in the uterus and injecting a fluid that can be seen on an x-ray screen. The whole procedure takes 15 minutes and is usually conducted between days 5-12 of your menstrual cycle, prior to ovulation.

Sonohysterogram Testing
This simple ultrasound test examines the uterine cavity for abnormalities, such as polyps or fibroids. It is performed between cycle days 5-12. It takes approximately 10 minutes in the office. The SIS test documents that the inside of the uterus is normal. It involves placing a small catheter through the opening of the uterus (cervix) in order to place water in the uterus. The water helps separate the walls of the uterus (the uterus is really a potential space) to determine the presence of something such as scar tissue or polyps that may prevent egg implantation.

Testing of the male partner’s sperm sample allows our infertility specialists to gather important information regarding his reproductive history, medical history, and lifestyle

A Semen Analysis test will provide many answers to any fertility issues an individual or couple may be experiencing.

Semen Analysis Process

In order to evaluate sperm, a semen specimen must be collected. Without a doubt, this process can make many men uncomfortable and for that reason, specimen samples can be collected at home or in a private collection room at our fertility center. If collected at home, the semen specimen must be brought to our laboratory within a specific timeframe to ensure sperm survival.

The results of this important male infertilitytest typically come back within a week, after our laboratory measures several of the following properties important to egg fertilization and conception:

Semen Volume
Indicates how many milliliters of semen is produced. Low volumes can indicate a blockage or dysfunction in the seminal vesicles or prostate. Volume should be more than 2 ml.

Semen Motility
Shows how much moving sperm are present. This aspect enables the sperm to unite with the egg in the Fallopian tube. Typically, 50% or more of sperm should be motile.

Semen Morphology
This refers to the actual shape of the sperm. If over 50% are abnormally shaped, male fertility is affected.

Semen Concentration
Indicates how many million sperm per milliliter are produced. Lower numbers may indicate that sperm is being blocked from coming out, or that the testicles are not producing sperm the way they should.

Sperm Appearance
Sperm color can indicate the presence of blood or a side-effect of medication.